September is National Self-Improvement Month. Silly me. I thought every month was self-improvement month. I suppose it is for me as I’m always working on myself and I’ve made a career of helping others on their self-improvement journeys. It is extremely rewarding work. I see so much opportunity and potential in people so it knocks the wind out of my sails when I hear things like, “I’ll start a new exercise plan Monday. This time I really mean it.” Or, “Every month I say I’m going to start reading, but it never happens”. Putting off self-improvement means putting off the life you want and you know how I feel about that! No bueno.
“The best project you’ll ever work on is you.”
What better time to implement strategies to improve yourself than National Self-Improvement Month? Unless of course you’re reading this any month other than September. If that’s the case, NOW is the best time to start.
When implementing self-improvement strategies, it’s important to consider the physical, mental and spiritual aspects. There are times when one area might receive more attention than the others, and that’s alright. Just make sure to regularly feed and support each of these key areas.
Here are 7 simple strategies for self-improvement.
1. Eat healthier
If you want commit to a full blown meal plan, go for it! If that’s a bit crazy for you, commit to small changes such as eating more green veggies, cutting your sugar and/or process food intake or measuring for portion control. While it’s not food, part of a healthy diet and improving yourself physically is drinking enough water. Dehydration doesn’t feel or look good so get your 64 ounces daily.
2. Commit to an exercise plan
I’m a gym rat so this is my favorite option. If you aren’t exercising at all, start somewhere. Add a walk to your daily routine, commit to going to the gym and doing some type of cardio a few days a week or start a stretching routing. If you already exercise but know you’d benefit from doing more, consider lifting weights, joining functional fitness classes or add yoga for a variety.
3. Feed the brain daily
When you feed the brain with good material, there is less room for negativity and doubt. There are tons of fantastic books around self-improvement so the hardest part of this strategy is choosing which one to start with. Shameless plug** Check out my book for some inspiration and motivation. Why Not Now: Create the Success and Happiness You Deserve
If you aren’t a reader, no problem! Many books are available in audio format and the world of podcasting is available to you as well. There’s a surplus of great options.
4. Learn a new skill
Have you ever wanted to learn to draw, paint, play tennis or become a better public speaker? Take a class, join a club or check out your local Toastmasters. You learn more than the skill with these activities. You gain insight about yourself, what you like and don’t like. Awareness is key in self-improvement.
5. Stretch your comfort zone
If reading that made you want to run and hide, it might be your best option for self-improvement. Do one new thing, or something that’s outside your comfort zone each week. Or if you’re really daring, do it daily. It can be as simple or challenging as you’d like. Try a new food, switch up your regular routine, strike up a conversation with a stranger that’s unexpected or go live on facebook. When I think back to what my comfort zone looked like 10 years ago compared to now, it’s enlightening. I used to play everything so safe. It’s trying new things, using my voice even when I know people will disagree, and sharing my experiences in public that has made the biggest difference. Get uncomfortable!
6. Practice Gratitude
One of the simplest ways to improve yourself is to focus on all the wonderful blessings in your life. No matter how difficult things may be, there is always something to be grateful for. Start practicing gratitude. I dedicated a whole blog to this topic that can be found here. This is a great practice for improving mindset. It’s also a good one to do as a family for the added bonus of improving relationships.
7. Implement Meditation or a Spiritual Practice
If one of the areas you’d like to improve falls into the spiritual realm, consider guided meditation, daily bible readings or joining a bible study. Whether based on religion or other spiritual practices, these strategies will most definitely improve your well-being.
I promised to keep it simple, so choose one or more of these strategies and get working on you. Don’t make the mistake of taking on too much at once as that’s the number one reason people discontinue these activities before really reaping the rewards.
If you’re ready to commit to improving yourself and your life, and would like the support and accountability of a coach, let’s talk.
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