Do you spend countless hours looking for paperwork?
Are you missing due dates and paying late fees on bills?
Are you always running late?
It’s time to declutter and get organized!
Blocking a little time and energy now to create a more organized environment can increase business, improve your financial situation and even improve your health for years to come. Here are 5 benefits to getting organized.
- Save time/Be on time. While there are competing theories regarding whether or not a clean office makes you more productive, I suggest you organize your office and home. The reason? Clutter is a time suck. You will save yourself time looking for things such as keys, jewelry, client files, and marketing materials.
- Save Money. Do you forget to pay bills because you don’t have them organized? You’re wasting money in late fees! Clutter is costly. Designate an area for bills that need to be paid and a filing system for paperwork. Schedule time each week to focus on your finances and start saving money.
- Reduce Stress. I don’t know about you, but when I’m running late or have to pay a late fee, my stress level skyrockets. Clutter creates stress. Clutter doesn’t always have to be paper or physical stuff. We’ve all had a friend or client who can suck the life right out of us. Whether in-person or on social media, we have to get organized and eliminate the sources of stress in our lives. Fire the client who doesn’t understand your work hours. Stop seeing the friend who only talks about themselves. Breathe a sigh of relief. Now you have time to focus on YOU.
- Increase your Energy. This goes hand in hand with number three. When you are feeling good and walk into a room that is disorganized, have you ever noticed how it made you feel? Clutter is an energy vampire. I have one small counter where that I put my purse, phone, iPad, and receipts when I get home. Other items gather there throughout the week and if it gets out of control, I start feeling frustrated when I look at it. Now I have to add cleaning it to the to do list. It’s even worse when it’s your workspace or a whole room.
- Be healthier. When your life is organized, you are healthier. You aren’t grabbing fast food for dinner 3 times a week because you have a weekly meal plan and the refrigerator is stocked. You no longer worry about what might be late or what you may be forgetting. By being organized you have for more time for things you want to do like work out and spending time with friends. Overall, being organized is just plain good for your health.
If you’re ready to get organized and improve your life, call me, Lauren Holder at 602-228-1019 or email me at