While there is no magic formula to determine whether or not one will succeed as an entrepreneur, there are some distinct characteristics common among those that do. Entrepreneurs think and act differently than other people. To an outsider, they seem like they are always focused on the next deal or a new strategy for their business. They appear unable to sit still and they are constantly focused on success.
Does this sound familiar?
Here are a few characteristics of successful entrepreneurs:
1. Restless spirit. If you ask a successful entrepreneur if they have ever been content with the status quo, most will tell you they are always looking for the next opportunity and status quo just isn’t part of their lives. They have a constant flow of ideas, some of which they implement. Entrepreneurs are restless often struggling with insomnia or relaxing away from work.
2. Curiosity in the world around them. Entrepreneurs see the world differently that other people. They see problems and develop solutions that are new and innovative. The most successful ask the marketplace what their problem is and then develop a solution. They may even solve problems that people don’t even know they have yet like technology entrepreneurs Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
3. Adaptable to change.Whether an entrepreneur is closing a business and opening another or they are reacting to changes in the market, they are adaptable. Their focus is on success and will change strategy when they think today’s plan isn’t working. Entrepreneurs aren’t afraid to make a decision to close a business or take business in a new direction. They understand being a business owner means being adaptable to change and are ready to take on the next challenge.
4. Rebellious streak. Entrepreneurs typically don’t thrive in a corporate environment. There are companies that recognize and embrace employees who have an entrepreneurial spirit but most follow the rules of traditional corporate culture. Entrepreneurs are free spirits preferring to break the rules or make up their own. They’ve been like this their entire lives and nothing is changing that. Being rebellious has meant struggles but also success as they develop businesses that meet the needs of the marketplace.
Are you in a corporate job yet these characteristics of an entrepreneur sound like you? Are you struggling to find success as an entrepreneur? It’s time to contact me, Lauren Holder, at 602-228-1019 or email lauren@coachwithlauren.com to learn how I can help you find a path to personal and business success.