There’s a saying that the only constant in life is change. Well, I think there are a few other constants, one of them being obstacles. Call them obstacles, challenges, roadblocks or whatever other term that fits, but to create what we want in life, we are almost guaranteed to face them.
As a coach, I see people face obstacles with one of two perspectives.
One perspective faces a challenge with the outlook that it’s something to overcome. A puzzle to solve. Part of the process.
The other perspective sees the challenge as a barrier that cannot be overcome. A roadblock that makes it impossible to achieve the success they desire. Instead of seeing it as an opportunity learn, grow and possibly find an even better way, it becomes the death of a dream.
Those with the first perspective tend to find it easier to handle challenges that arise because they have a positive outlook. They know obstacles are part of the journey and approach them with a “Can Do” Attitude. On the other hand, challenges tend to leave the second group feeling defeated. Not only that, but they tend to share it with anyone that will listen to get validation that it’s impossible. Unfortunately, they will find someone that agrees and they’ll shrink back to waiting for the world to give them a break.
No challenge or obstacle is a defeat unless you allow it to be. For some, not giving into negativity can be difficult, but not impossible.
Here are 4 habits you can develop to strengthen your resolve when faced with challenges to ensure your success:
1. Ignore the Noise
While it’s impossible to completely turn down the volume on what others think about you or your work, it’s important to understand that other people’s opinions are merely that—opinions. Therefore, they have no real impact on your success.
Many people get caught up in all the noise and allow the opinions of others to impact their ability to move forward.
While constructive criticism can be helpful and instrumental in developing your business, the negativity has no space—and it’s exhausting!
Therefore, to ensure your success, it’s essential to learn to ignore the noise.
Listen to the feedback from trusted advisors only. You choose whose opinions matter. Everything else is just noise. Don’t let it get you down or destroy your confidence to achieve your goals.
2. Trust Yourself
Along the same line as ignoring the noise, YOU are the person who determines your worth. It’s helpful—and often necessary—to step back and reflect to make decisions based on what you feel is right.
Ultimately, the only opinion that matters is yours. YOU determine your worth, and YOU are in control of your success. Allow yourself to feel good about what you’ve done, and don’t allow anyone else or any obstacle to take that away from you. Trust yourself, always.
3. Push through Fear
No one is exempt from fear. Even the most successful people experience. The difference between them and everyone else is they understand fear and do not let it stop them from achieving the success they desire.
Acknowledge your fear but don’t allow it to define you. Create solutions to keep your fear in check without allowing it to prohibit you from achieving your goals. A great way to create this habit is to regularly do things that scare you.
4. Focus on What You Can Control
As you know, there are only 24 hours in a day. You can’t get more time. Therefore, it’s vital to use the time you have wisely.
Avoid spending time fretting over fear, mistakes, or what-ifs. Instead, spend your time and energy focusing on solutions—how to be more efficient, make something better, or accomplish your goals.
Remind yourself that you can’t change what’s already happened, you can’t control what the future brings, but you can control how you respond and move forward right now. Embrace that and allow yourself to move forward at your own pace to accomplish your goals.
If you want to create the success and happiness you deserve, these 4 habits will help. Start practicing them now so you can build up those muscles and resolve to face your next obstacle head on and win!
If you want to talk about strategies to overcome obstacles and ensure your success, let’s talk! Email me at